Sunday, December 22, 2013

Why Fantasy Football Is the Best Thing Ever Invented

Those that know me know that I am probably one of the biggest advocates of fantasy football out of anybody they know. I eat drink and sleep with it on the mind. It is probably one of my favorite hobbies out there, right up with video games.

Why is it so addicting to me? There are tons and tons of reasons. I'm a list guy, so lets keep with list format. (Note: These are numbered  because I'm OCD about numbered lists, there is no specific order)

1)  Fantasy football gives you a reason to watch games you frankly don't give a shit about.

Know what meant absolutely nothing to me before I began doing fantasy football? A Packers-Vikings Monday Night Football game. Two teams my team will never play against in an important game and its kickoff is borderline bedtime.

Enter Fantasy Football

This meaningless game now has Adrian Peterson and Greg Jennings for you versus Aaron Rodgers and a kicker in a close fantasy football game. This game has now gone from meaningless to literally every single play (Even in a blowout) being important. It gives Sunday and Monday Night a whole new dynamic. You're watching and rooting for the Bengals, sure, but you're also checking your score app or following games on your laptop as well.

And god gave us his only son. 
(shit, is that blasphemy?)

Fantasy Football is even great for the NFL as a whole. When people watch games they otherwise wouldn't care about, it makes more money for the sport. The more profitable the sport is, the better it should get for the teams, players, and fans.

2) Fantasy Football Draft Day is Second only to Christmas

My friends and I will literally begin discussing the fantasy football draft two months before the draft day. It is such an important day, it has to be discussed at length. You strategize and scheme of what players you'd like to get. Its funny, because no matter how much you prepare and think about what everyone is going to do, someone still throws a wrench in your plans by drafting someone way out of order or keeping James Jones. (lol)

For humiliating reasons, we keep identities hidden here

 After months and weeks of strategizing and planning for the draft, draft day finally arrives. Draft day consists of hanging out with 10 of your good buddies, drinking beer, eating pizza, having a good time. When the draft ends, its time for a throw back high school style guys night house party. (high school style, because no girls would hang out with us) The night cap is spending an hour straight looking at your team and thinking you did a sick job this year. You follow that up by analyzing the other teams and concluding which ones suck and which ones you are concerned about.

5 weeks later the regular season starts and you realized that you're a complete retard and every assumption you made was piss poor. Your team sucks, and that team you weren't worried about is making it rain.

3) Fantasy Football is Always Good Conversation

From pretty much the beginning of August through the end of December is fantasy football season. There is always something to talk about, or debate, or argue about when it comes to fantasy football. There are trade talks, trash talking, and all sorts of good conversation. There is the depressing admission of defeat "oh well fuck me I guess Jamaal Charles is just going to go for 5 TD this game." To the ridiculous Monday night comeback win where you had no chance but thanks to a series of fluke plays, you sneak out an extremely undeserved win. I don't think 12 hours of my day goes by during these months where I don't see one fantasy football related discussion between friends, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Custom Made for the Faceless Gentleman Above
(I didn't really make this)
Some people will hop into a conversation about how they don't like fantasy football because they don't like gambling or they think its dorky or this and that. If you don't like football or don't like sports in general, I completely understand. However, if your sole reason for not participating is to avoid gambling or something stupid and petty, then I really pity you. You are missing out on a really exciting and fun activity. You literally only have to look at it once or twice a week and it is the source for countless hours of excitement and entertainment.

Oh, and if you're awesome like me and can win a league or two, you make money! (Suck it, team Chest Hair)

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