Friday, January 8, 2016

I am man enough to admit when I am wrong

In a previous post that you can review here. I ripped Jay Gruden and Andy Dalton pretty good because at the time, they were the two most negative influences in my life. It is now time for me to eat a little bit of crow and accept the fact that I was a (little) wrong.

First and foremost, my sincerest apologies to Andy Dalton and his new no-nonsense beautiful hair.

Panty. Dropper.
Andy has been nothing short of incredible this year. If he did not get injured he was a legitimate MVP candidate. Bengals Nation is simply dreading the prospect of having to play a playoff game without him under center. Andy, I sincerely apologize, I was wrong. I genuinely believe now that you have the capability to take the Bengals to a Super Bowl despite the whole not having a soul thing.
Secondly, I do owe Jay Gruden a minor apology. I am absolutely not sad he is gone. Not one bit. I maintain he was the most unimaginative offense coordinator I've ever seen, and it reflected in their play (particularly in the playoffs under him). I still maintain the Bengals are better off without him, but I am glad he is doing well. The more coaches from this team that go on to succeed as HC's (Gruden, Zimmer), the more quality guys will be willing to come here knowing its a great stepping stone.

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