Thursday, January 9, 2014

Haha Jay Gruden...

May as well pop some bottles here in the 'Nati because Jay Gruden being gone and Hue Jackson being promoted can only be an upgrade for this squad.

Jay Gruden does deserve some credit for his time as the Bengals Offensive Coordinator, so I will get that garbage out of the way.

He came into Cincinnati with basically no receivers or quarterback and spent his time here molding them into solid players. Perhaps he is a good developer of talent and a good teacher. Players seem to like him, so thats nice.

At the end of the day, he had a ton of talented players and could not figure out a single way to use them. Andy Dalton sucks, lets make no mistake about that. Andy Dalton should never be throwing 50 times in a game, and probably shouldn't cross the 40 threshold too often either. Jay Gruden constantly failed to find ways to get guys the ball. People were excited about Tyler Eifert joining an already potent offense and could not get him consistently involved anywhere.

Most coaches can identify a weakness (Dalton) and try to work around it or minimize the negative effect it has on the team as a whole. This would include running the freaking ball once in awhile, and making adjustments or wrinkles to a game plan to throw opposing defenses off. San Diego players made no secret about the fact that the Bengals did exactly what they expected, there were no wrinkles or surprises. Not surprisingly, the Bengals were held to a season-low 10 points in the biggest game of the season.

Gruden decided that he was going to smash the square peg into a round hole and throw throw throw and constantly allow Dalton to put the Bengals in poor situations.

Get in there motherfucker!
 So fast forward to today..

Jay Gruden gets announced as the Head Coach of the Washington Redskins to the joy of all sensible Bengals fans. I did not listen to or watch his press conference but I did follow some of the reporters on Twitter and it sounds pretty damn hilarious.

  • Gruden started by saying he was going to hold Robert Griffin III accountable and make him own up to mistakes and errors he makes.
    • Hilarious because he had Andy Dalton shit the bed for 3 straight playoff seasons and following the most recent debacle, Dalton never once owned up to his 3 terrible turnovers and even managed to praise himself to the media
  • Gruden said he was going to call his own plays in Washington
    • Hilarious because he couldn't handle calling plays worth a shit in Cincinnati. He was mediocre (at best) and clearly struggled to find any way to throw opposing defenses off when it was his only job. How on Earth does he expect to do this in addition to the responsibilities of a Head Coach? 
  •  Gruden said he would be making all personnel decisions for the Washington Redskins
    • Hilarious for multiple reasons. First, this is another massive responsibility to add to the previous bullet point. Second, the only publicly known personnel decision we know of in Gruden's time as the Bengals Offensive Coordinator is the situation at Quarterback. The much maligned Mike Brown wanted to draft Colin Kaepernick and saw a lot of promise in him. Jay Gruden pushed for Andy Dalton and the rest is very depressing history.
Most teams are genuinely hurt when they lose a coordinator. When Mike Zimmer is hired by the Vikings, myself and many Bengals fans will be absolutely devastated. Jay Gruden leaving town is a massive blessing for this team. Good riddance, don't let the doors hit your ass on the way out.

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